Tums bets on indigestion with DraftKings Super Bowl partnership - Brand Innovators

Tums bets on indigestion with DraftKings Super Bowl partnership

For most people (particularly those who aren’t fans of the two teams competing), the Super Bowl is about a party with friends full of indigestion-causing foods like spicy wings and pizza. 

Tums is leaning into this reality through a partnership with sports betting platform DraftKings that will enable fans to bet on the most popular game-day foods. The new game, “Tums Prop Bites,” (a play on the term “prop bets) allows fans to bet on categories such as how many pizzas will be delivered by half-time and which is the spiciest snack. Those entering the free contest, which will be open between January 16 and February. 11, will have an opportunity to win a share of a $10,000 total prize pool. 

“For the past four years, Tums has really leaned into the Big Game as a way to engage with consumers during the second-largest food holiday and key cultural moment,” said Amy Sharon, brand director at Tums. “Creatively, we have focused on gamification with a game within the Big Game — from Tums-worthy bingo to Tums-worthy trivia and most recently “Tumswordy.” In 2024, we are continuing our gaming approach but increasing visibility through a first-of-its-kind gamification of food preferences through our Draft Kings partnership.”

To promote the partnership, the brands have enlisted comedian Desus Nice as “Prop Bites Tipster.” In a series of digital and social videos, Nice outlines the competition. “Get that cheddar. Score that dough. Go all in on food,” he says at the conclusion of one ad. 

“This is a fully integrated 360-degree marketing campaign that will live across TUMS and DraftKings digital ecosystems, through e-retail stores Instacart and Gopuff, and in an on-the ground activation,” Sharon said. “Tums will support the campaign with paid media on TikTok in addition to the full force of the DraftKings network including web takeover, audio, podcasts, and mobile apps.”

.In addition, the two brands will be hosting a “Prop Bites Food Casino” at Circa Stadium Swim in Las Vegas during the Super Bowl weekend. The event will feature an appearance by Nice, as well as games, such as a “Salty vs. Sweet” roulette table, as well as an opportunity to try Tums’ latest line extension, Gummy Bites.

“For those not at the game, we also have brought Prop Bites to e-retail via a partnership with Gopuff where fans can purchase Tums products straight to their door before game day and even get free Tums products during half-time,” Sharon said.